You may know where I’ve been, but look where I’m going…
Track My Steps
“dedicated to closing achievement gaps one county at a time”
To ensure that all children of North Carolina have access to equitable education resources, financial planning strategies, health and wellness resources, and family support.
Our mission is to provide equitable education resources for students who may not have access. We will prepare all students to use critical thinking, and, analytical skills to achieve academic success. We are dedicated to closing the achievement gap. It is our intent for students to graduate on time, prepared for college or the work force, and helping others after their achieved success.
Goal- To develop partnerships with businesses, civic organizations, schools, communities and governments, to ensure healthy, well-rounded children, for an innovative and changing economy and world.
- To increase the graduation rate in North Carolina by 35% by 2017, with 5% being male graduates. We will use county school systems, to track, and locate achievement gaps.
- To have a liaison for children who have working or unengaged parential support.
- To provide a model for a healthy family.
- To invoke a sense of self-worth with understanding of children’s self-identity.
- To teach students how to overcome peer pressure, unhealthy friendships, obesity, and unhealthy lifestyles.
- To train students to achieve academic excellence at all levels of education and entrepreneur experiences. To provide parents with the resources they need to create a healthy environment for their children, family and community.
Needs from Our Supporters
· Volunteers
· Provide meeting space & computers
· Program promotions
· Host forums and venues for speakers
· Grant writing
· Donations